Standard Bobbins
Sorted by Size from Smallest to Largest
We offer a comprehensive line of Standard Bobbins that are available in a large variety of sizes and flange designs. This allows us to service you better by having industry standard sizes and flanges available for immediate shipment. Our Bobbins are Available in 6/6 Nylon, 30% Glass Filled Nylon, Flame Retardant Nylon, and Rynite FR530.
Don't see the size you need? We are constantly adding new sizes, please give us a call at (708) 452-5300.
EE-28X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EE-28-29 | 3-1019
EE-24-25 | 3-1005
EE-24-25 X .25 | 3-1403
EE-24-25 X .25 SL | 3-1402
EE-24-25 X 3/8 |3-1018
EI-187X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-187 | 3-1008
EI 187 3 SL | 3-1009
EI-187 X 187 SL | 3-1407
EI-375X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-375X 1/4 | 3-1137
EI-375X 3/8 SL | 3-1405
EI-375X 3/8 SL | 3-1406
EI-375X 3/8 | 3-1006
EI-21X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-21X 1/2 |3-1004
EI-21X 1/2 | 3-1398
EI-21X 1/2 3Fl | 3-2242
EI-21X 1/2 SL | 3-3372
EI-21X 1/2 SL 3FL | 3-3373
EI-21X 5/8 | 3-1011
EI-21X 1 | 3-1027
EI-625X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-625 X 1/2 SL | 3-1471
EI-625 X 5/8 | 3-1031
EI-625 X 5/8 3 FL | 3-3322
EI-625 X 5/8 SL | 3-1409
EI-625 X 5/8 SL | 3-1410
EI-625 X 5/8 SL | 3-1411
EI-625 X 5/8 SL | 3-1412
EI-625 X 5/8 SL | 3-1413
EI-625 X 3/4 | 3-1032
EI-625 X 3/4 3 FL | 3-3323
EI-625 X 3/4 SL | 3-1414
EI-75X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-75 X 3/4 | 3-1155
EI-75 X 3/4 3 FL | 3-3324
EI-75 X 3/4 SL | 3-1260
EI-75 X 3/4 SL | 3-2908
EI-75 X 3/4 SL 3FL | 3-2909
EI-75X 1 2FL | 3-3939
EI-75X 1 3FL | 3-3940
EI-75X 1 3FL OFFSET | 3-3942
EI-87X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-87 X 7/8 | 3-1249
EI-87 X 7/8 3FL | 3-3744
EI-87 X 1 2FL | 3-2557
EI-87 X 1 3FL | 3-2558
EI-100X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-100 X1.0 | 3-3181
EI-100 X1.0 3 FL | 3-3381
EI-100 X1.0 SL | 3-3178
EI-100 X 1.25 | 5-2505
EI-100 X 1.25 3FL | 5-2504
EI-100 X 1.5 | 5-3165
EI-100 X 1.5 3 FL SL | 5-3166
EI-112X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-112 X 1.125 | 5-3584
EI-112 X 1.125 3FL | 5-3585
EI-112 X 1.375 | 5-3182
EI-112 X 1.375 SL | 5-3183
EI-125X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-125 X 1.25 2FL | 5-3382
EI-125 X 1.25 SL |5-3577
EI-125 X 1.25 3FL | 5-3383
EI-125 X 1.25 3FL SL | 5-3587
EI-125 X 1.5 | 5-3167
EI-125 X 1.5 3FL | 5-3012
EI-125 X 1.5 3FL SL | 5-3168
EI-125X 1.75 3FL SL | 5-3807
EI-125 X 1.875 | 5-3187
EI-125 X 1.875 SL | 5-3188
EI-125X 2.0 SL | 5-3808
EI-125X 2.0 3FL SL | 5-3806
EI-138X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-138 X 1.38 | 5-3724
EI-138 X 1.38 3FL | 5-3725
EI-138 X 2.0 | 5-3140
EI-138 X 2.0 3FL | 5-3683
EI-138 X 2.75 | 5-3000
EI-150X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-150 X 1.5 2FL | 5-3379
EI-150 X 1.5 3FL | 5-3578
EI-150 X 1.5 3FL | 5-3380
EI-150 X 1.5 3FL SL | 5-3588
EI-150 X 1.75 | 5-3062
EI-150 X 2.0 | 5-3169
EI-150 X 2.0 SL | 5-3643
EI-150 X 2.0 3FL SL | 5-3170
EI-150 X 2.5 | 5-3092
EI-175X Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI-175 SQ 2FL | 5-2681
EI-175 SQ 3 FL | 5-2682
EI-175X 2.0 | 5-3882
EI-175X 2.25 SL 3FL | 5-3883
EI-175 X 2.5 | 5-3184
EI-175 X 2.5 3FL | 5-3185
EI-175 X 3.0 | 5-3301
EI-175 X 3.0 3FL | 5-3300
EI-175 X 4.0 | 5-3051
EI-175 X 4.0 3FL | 5-3583
VDE Bobbins
Sorted by Size from Smallest to Largest
Foremost Plastic Products understands the potential of the ever-expanding world markets by offering our VDE Bobbin line. This bobbin and shroud combination is just right for the demanding international markets. We designed and built tooling capable of molding both the terminated and slotted versions of this part. We have many different sizes of these available and ready for immediate shipment. Our goal is to become the U.S. supplier of these bobbins and we are always willing to work with you to help you succeed.
EI-75 Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI 75 x .75 Single Section | 5-6010
EI 75 x .75 Double Section | 5-6011
EI 75 x .75 Split Double Section | 5-6012
EI 75 x .75 Single Section | A-6014
EI 75 x .75 Split Double Section | A-6016
EI 75 x .75 Double Section | A-6018
EI 75 x .75 Shroud Set for Split Double Section | 5-6019
EI 75 x 1.00 Single Section | 5-6020
EI 75 x 1.00 Double Section | 5-6021
EI 75 x 1.00 Split Double Section | 5-6022
EI 75 x 1.00 Single Section | A-6024
EI 75 x 1.00 Split Double Section | A-6026
EI 75 x 1.00 Double Section | A-6028
EI-87 Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI 87 x .87 Single Section | 5-6030
EI 87 x .87 Double Section | 5-6031
EI 87 x .87 Split Double Section | 5-6032
EI 87 x .87 Single Section | A-6034
EI 87 x .87 Split Double Section | A-6036
EI 87 x .87 Double Section | A-6038
EI 87 x .87 Shroud Set for Split Double Section | 5-6039
EI 87 x 1.00 Single Section | 5-6040
EI 87 x 1.00 Double Section | 5-6041
EI 87 x 1.00 Split Double Section | 5-6042
EI 87 x 1.00 Single Section | A-6044
EI 87 x 1.00 Split Double Section | A-6046
EI 87 x 1.00 Double Section | A-6048
EI 87 x 1.00 Shroud Set for Split Double Section | 5-6049
EI 87 x 1.25 Single Section | 5-6050
EI 87 x 1.25 Double Section | 5-6051
EI 87 x 1.25 Split Double Section | 5-6052
EI 87 x 1.25 Single Section | A-6054
EI 87 x 1.25 Split Double Section | A-6056
EI 87 x 1.25 Double Section | A-6058
EI-100 Series
Product Name | Part Number
EI 100 x 1.00 Single Section | 5-6060
EI 100 x 1.00 Double Section | 5-6061
EI 100 x 1.00 Split Double Section | 5-6062
EI 100 x 1.00 Single Section | A-6064
EI 100 x 1.00 Split Double Section | A-6066
EI 100 x 1.00 Double Section | A-6068
EI 100 x 1.00 Shroud Set for Split Double Section | 5-6069
EI 100 x 1.25 Single Section | 5-6070
EI 100 x 1.25 Double Section | 5-6071
EI 100 x 1.25 Split Double Section | 5-6072
EI 100 x 1.25 Single Section | A-6074
EI 100 x 1.25 Split Double Section | A-6076
EI 100 x 1.25 Double Section | A-6078
EI 100 x 1.25 Shroud Set for Split Double Section | 5-6079
EI 100 x 1.50 Single Section | 5-6080
EI 100 x 1.50 Double Section | 5-6081
EI 100 x 1.50 Split Double Section | 5-6082
EI 100 x 1.50 Single Section | A-6084
EI 100 x 1.50 Split Double Section | A-6086
EI 100 x 1.50 Double Section | A-6088